Tuesday, May 13, 2008

We Made It- Munich!

We've now been awake for 36 hours and counting... and starting to get a little delirious. The flight was long to say the least, but our first day in Munich was well worth it. When we first got off the plane that "wow we literally have no idea where we're going..." but with the help of MTV Europe, our trusty guidebook, and some equally trusty Germans, we made our way into the city and easily found our hostel.
We were so tired but we knew we had to push through and explore while sidelining the jetlag. First, we ventured into what we thought looked like an ominous subway system that turned out to be pretty easy minus the fact that we can't pronounce ANY of the stops along the way. We went to the Deutsche Museum, which was incredibly random and huge, containing everything from fullsize airplanes to clocks- it was a lot of fun and since it was hands-on, Kathryn stayed entertained.
After that we went to the BMW factory/showroom and were tempted to buy one of the 150.000€ cars as a souvenir, but figured our parents would prefer us to get a t-shirt. We stopped by the Olympic Park, and may go back there tomorrow since apparently you can swim in the Olympic pool!
The best part of the day turned out to be the Englisher Gartens, a HUGEEEEEE park and lake, filled with Germans, dogs, and an annoying American girl who represented Americans poorly as she tried to explain our "culture" to a Dutch guy, who probably didn't understand anything she was saying anyway. The weather was beautiful and it gave us a nice chance to relax.
We ended the day with our first authentic German meal, which is harder to find than you would think, complete with 2 steins of beer, sausage and pretzels for Kathryn, and sausage meatballs and potato/cucumber salad for me!
We finally made it back to the hostel to discover that our three bedroom dorm already had an occupant sound asleep- and also like 45 years old. Kathryn used her booklight to check the beds for bedbugs and quietly... I think, headed off to the showers (which were clean by the way), and now are finally getting some much needed sleep. In the morning, we're planning to go to Dachau, the concentration camp closest to Munich, so stay tuned for next time!

1 comment:

Jim Rathmann said...

Glad you made it. i can't believe your roomate is sooo old at 45. remember be quiet as us old folks need our sleep. have a Hefeweizen for me