Saturday, May 17, 2008

LOST, broke, and Kathryn's feet still hurt

So apparently, Copenhagen is a city with one of the highest standards of living in the world. And to say the least, on this trip, our standards are pretty we can't afford ANYTHING in this city. You are hard pressed to find a sandwich for less than 75 DKK, which is about 16 dollars....yikes. Therefore, we have eaten McDonalds twice in less than 24 hours and just ate a weird sandwich thing that was good, but still around 8 dollars for just the sandwich. Needless to say, it is a good thing that we are outta here tomorrow morning.
Don't get me wrong, we have liked it here. Yesterday we got to see the Little Mermaid statue which was very cool and today we went to Tivoli, a theme park in the middle of the city. We rode a few roller coasters and screamed on this crazy-high drop thing. But, apparently adventure is always around the corner for us and we ran smack into it today on our side trip to Røskilde to see a Viking Ship Museum.
We made it to the city easily with a short train ride from Copenhagen, and even made it to the museum with no problems. PLUS, we got to dress up as vikings, which was probably the most exciting thing for us.
Then we decided to leave and walk back to the train station, which was apparently our first mistake. Our second mistake happened somewhere after a roundabout when we walked too far north and west. Our THIRD mistake is turning around even though Silvana heard the trains around the corner. SO we decide to walk around for a good hour and a half, sit at a bus stop for 30 minutes to no avail, realize that noone in this town speaks English, then walk the complete opposite direction, and do an entire circle around the very outskirts of this very small city. We finally find the train station and realize that we were literally 50 feet away when we had decided to turn around the first time. Obviously, this is why Kathryn's feet still hurt.
Our morning "excursion" ended up taking us about 5 hours, so that didn't leave us much time for Tivoli, but we got in as much as we could.
HOSTEL UPDATE: Slept fine, and our roommates were both American, get this- one of them was an "actress" AND had her own clothing line!!!!!!!!!!! And she was modest too. Kathryn asked like 15 times where she was from and she kept saying she was from "the states".. a) as if we don't know what the states are, and b) what state are you from, there are 50 and we know them.
So um, we've left our mark on another city and are ready for Stockholm in the morning, our train leaves at 8:30am. Hopefully Stockholm's standards aren't so high. Miss you guys- unless you're one of those random people reading our blog, and in that case... nice to meet you.

Kathryn and Silvana
P.S. I'm not really sure why... but there are 7-11s EVERYWHERE in Copenhagen... and it's really bothering me. I mean, we have them in Melbourne but we don't have them in Gainesville, but we have them in Copenhagen??? What is this? Oh and the Gatorade here sucks. But they do have slurpees.

1 comment:

Adriana said...

"the states" are you effing kidding me? a)no one says "the states" unless they're trying to be all hip and european, b)if you are one of those freaks who says "the states" you don't say that to people who are also from the US, and c)WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU FROM? I love how pissed I am about this...apparently I didn't get to rant long enough on the phone with you. She probably went to FSU or plays on the auburn football team. k I'm done now, BYEEEEEEE GUYSSSSSSSSS UHHHHHHH.